Saturday, 1 May 2010


Four Quadrant- A film which applies to most ages/ genders
Niche- A market with selective people within it
35mm - 35mm reels used for films
Convergence- the working together of
Encryption Codes- help prevent piracy
Escapism- were a film allows the audience to "escape" from reality
Realism- were a film ha social realism
Merchandising - when a film sells products which are from the movies e.g. keyrings
Streaming - through technology
Above The Line/ Below The Line- above is were you cant help see it , below the line has to be looked for
Synergy- a business uses the success of another to promote itself
Viral- word of mouth
Product placement- a branded product is placed within a movie
Vertical/Horizontal integration - vertical own distribution comapny , horizontal dont
Conglomerate- a institution with a large market share
DSN Sites - digital screen network , alternative to 35 mm reels
Distribution - when a film is distributed to a distirubter
Exhibition- were a film is shown e.g. leicester square
Lord Puttnam- the theory of star persona not mattering
Shane Meadows- uses pre-fabricated sets aswell as cutting down on costs

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